2019 Anthropology Methods Summer Workshop Recruitment

Who: Students eager to learn about research design and ethnographic research methods, especially those majoring or minoring in Anthropology, Ethnology or related disciplines (e.g. Sociology, Cultural Studies, Social History, Religion, etc.) intending to pursue postgraduate degrees.

Priority will be given to final year undergraduates and MA/MPhil students who will soon be applying to PhD programmes. All students will be expected to be able to function at a high level in English since that will be the primary language of the Workshop.

When: Friday 14 to Tuesday 18 June 2019. A fieldtrip will be included for practical skills training.

Costs and Expenses: The Workshop is free. Students are expected to cover the cost of transportation to Hong Kong and to the CUHK campus. Free on-campus accommodation and a modest meal allowance will be provided.


Application deadline: Monday 8 April, 2019
More information: https://bit.ly/2S5i6V9
Apply online: https://bit.ly/2MGF3bg

訊息與圖片來源:Anthropology Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong / 香港中文大學人類學系 臉書粉絲專業


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